The menu is the set of links that appears at the top of the page inside the header section and will link to certain pages of your website.

After we created the pages that we would like to display in the menu, it is a good time to create the menu itself.

Menu of a website

In general, the menu should include only the most popular pages of the website such as the Contact Us and the About Us pages.

All the other less important pages such as Terms of Use or Privacy Policy can be displayed in the footer.

To create the menu, navigate to Appearance -> Menus from the backend of your WordPress website.

In the menu screen, you will see a pre-made menu that was created automatically and contains all the pages we created in the previous section.

If you are satisfied with the menu, just name it descriptively and click on Create Menu.

Create a new menu in WordPress

If you would like to add more pages, look for your desired pages from the Pages drop-down menu on the left and click on Add to Menu.

If you would like to remove pages from the menu, click on the menu item that you would like to delete and click on Remove.

Delete a menu item in WordPress

Sub-heading menu

Some websites with multiple links creating menu items with sub-menu links.

Sub menu example

For example, if you running a gym website and one of your menu items called Classes, you can create sub-menu items under the Classes item with links to different classes that you offer like Zumba and Kickboxing.

To create a submenu, indent all the links that you would like under the parent menu item.

Create a sub menu in wordpress

Creating a menu doesn’t mean that it will be displayed automatically on your website.

To display the menu, we will first need to create the header and then include the logo and the menu inside the header.

In order to build the header, we will need to install a page builder plugin.

In the next lecture, we will talk about WordPress plugins, what they are, and how to install them.


In this tutorial, we created our website menu. We also learned what is a sub-menu and how to create it.

In the next tutorial, we will talk about WordPress plugins, what they are, and how to install them. 

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